Alton Forward is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with the mission of catalyzing transformational change and increasing livability in the Greater Alton Area. We aspire to pursue big ideas and solutions in collaboration with community partners and stakeholders.
Alton Forward seeks to convene, connect, and work with inspiring leaders, partners, and agencies to support projects and programs that foster opportunity and build social equity. Our objective is to work with existing partners in the Alton area to build upon existing capacities, while bringing in new partners, resources and opportunities for the community.
We believe our efforts, in conjunction with the downtown revitalization efforts led by AltonWorks and a community-based collaboration of key partners will help increase the livability of the Alton area and bring more opportunity to the community and the region. Our efforts are guided by a commitment to community-building, innovation, and compatible economic growth that serves livability. Alton Forward aims to work closely in conjunction with community leaders, thought leaders and stakeholders to inform our direction, decisions, and actions.

Alton Forward supports efforts to foster the conditions and capacity for transformational change and increase community livability through collective impact and three connected objectives:
Working collaboratively with community leaders and projects to bring administrative and organizational support, build community capacity, bring together projects with shared goals, leverage investment, and provide assessment and evaluation services.
Working with community stakeholders to build and leverage capacity and affect impactful change at community, city, and regional levels. Alton Forward aspires to work with actors across a wide spectrum of community disciplines to bring resources and collaboration to the Greater Alton Area.
Alton Forward is working with partners and the community to establish Alton as a UNICEF-recognized Child Friendly City, which will focus on promoting child and family health within the Alton area. Alton Forward believes that child welfare and development is a key determinant and measure of community livability.